stream coding process to discord using OBS
Nowadays code streaming become more popular. There is even Twitch channel with software developing.
Usually for the streaming people use OBS software. Basically it allows you to combine several video/audio/etc sources into the one scene that is being streamed to the service.
Discord is another super popular app. The app let people be connected inside some community. For example the group of graphic illustrators can share their works and discuss in voice chats.
Discord live streaming is not very popular but sometimes can be increadibly useful. But Discord doesn't support custom streaming at the moment and the only choice you have is to stream window or entire screen.
a couple of tiny tricks
I use OBS Studio from the website It is free and open-source!
Let's take a look!
image capture

First I move all controls into floating windows by using «windowed» button at the left of the control:

Now all your controls are separated and floating under the main window. You may want to adust its properties and size to fill the window with the scene:

That's all! The main OBS window can be a source for the discord live stream:

Go live!

Using window source Discord takes sound from the window as well.
By enabling sound monitoring we make the window emit sound that will be captured.
The tricky part here is to avoid loops in the sound. But this part is hardly depends on your requirements and hardware.
As the simple solution to capture everything I can hardly recommend VB-Cable app that is basically a pipe source-sink. See for details.